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ONE TIME OFFER: Money Magnet 50% OFF TODAY £197!! RELEASE THE HIDDEN MONEY BLOCKS KEEPING YOU STUCK IN YOUR BIZ! AND MANIFEST MORE MONEY IN THE NEXT 21 DAYS - without working longer or harder. This programme has helped students manifest varying amounts: $2k, $3k, $6k, $9k, $121k, $10k and one person even $101k! Even £2k is 1000% ROI.

Check earnings disclaimer, in disclaimer link at the bottom of the page 
What's Included:
  •  5 Pre-recorded Training Modules: Walking you through the 4 step process in creating and embodying your new self image.
  •  Breakthrough Study Guide:  To identify the old programme currently running in your subconscious mind M, release the limitations of your old self image and create a new self image that is aligned to your goals and vision.
  •  Transformative Audio Bundle: Guided affirmations and visualisations (with music) Bonus guided audio bundle via added with music to help you shift your tuning reprogram your mind and step into the energy of your future self becoming a magnet for the life you want - every day.
  • Tools And Strategies: To help you embody and reprogram your subconscious mind with your new self image.


"Kirsty has a way of delivering
mindset and manifestation info
that speaks directly to me. I
realized that until I take control of
my thoughts and actually do the
work to reprogram my
subconscious, then I will continue
to fall short of my goals. I am a
successful businesswoman and
my life is wonderful...but I had to
ask myself "how much more
wonderful could this be if I actually
dove in, and did the work?"
Thank you Kirsty!"

-Tracy B.
My experience working with Kirsty can only be described as Earth shattering. My entire perspective of the world was demolished and she helped me create a new paradigm. I can never go back to the woman I was when we began working together. I can’t un-know what I know. Since I have been working with Kirsty, my business has seen 11x growth and I live in a much happier, more confident, and peaceful state, though I know how much more I have to learn.
Kirsty is patient, kind, unbelievably knowledgeable and a savant at helping you reach break-throughs in your mindset. 

- Stephanie K 
"So why do you need to work
with Kirsty? The truth is it's impossible to see
your own blind spots, even when it's your job to do that for others (trust me, I know). Even more
importantly though, I've done all the business training, all the programmes, all the blueprints and formulas... nothing is ever going to work until you get your point of attraction fixed. Kirsty is not only going to help you fix it, she is going to raise the bar on where you thought you wanted it be! And basically, you're worth it."
- Jo J.
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