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Re-write your money story, identify and remove the blocks and beliefs that are holding you back and attract more money in the next 21 days
- without working longer or harder. 

Contrary to what we’ve been conditioned to think, making money is an inner game. The beliefs you have around money will either repel or attract it into your business and life. 

It’s time to ditch your old money beliefs, upgrade your money mindset and rewrite your money story. Don't let your past become your future, it's time to become a money magnet! 

Re-write your money story, identify and remove the blocks and beliefs that are holding you back and attract more money in the next 21 days

- without having to work harder

Contrary to what we’ve been conditioned to believe, 
making money is an
 inner game. The beliefs you have around money will either be repelling
or attracting it into your business and life.

It’s time to ditch your old beliefs about money, up-level your relationship
 with money and rewrite your money story. So that you can become a
 magnet to more money. 

Are you frustrated with not getting the
 income you want in your business?

 I’m guessing you’ve tried 'all the things' to make to make it work, 
but something still feels off. For some reason, the money
 still isn't coming. Not in the volume you'd LOVE at least.

It’s frustrating! I get it. I was there too. I had to make some
radical shifts to turn my business around from failing 
(and not getting paid for 6 months) to hitting 7 figures in
 just over 12 months. And it was the last thing did that worked.
 The thing I’d resisted most. The thing that felt so counterintuitive 
(because I was obsessed with the strategy piece - the ‘how’).

It’s the inner game. The blocks you can’t see, are in your mind.
 It’s your mind that controls your income and either attracts
 or repels the money you want. Period.

It was the radical shifts in my mindset and money story
 that created the quantum leap in our business.

Are you fed up and frustrated 
that you’re just not getting
the income you want in your 
business? I’m guessing you’ve tried
 'all the things' to make to make it work,
 but something still feels off. For
some reason, the money still isn't
coming. Not in the volume you'd 
LOVE at least.

It’s frustrating! I get it. I was there too.
I had to make some radical shifts
to turn my business around from 
failing (and not getting paid
for 6 months) to hitting 7 figures
in just over 12 months. And it was
the last thing I did that worked.
The thing I'd resisted most. The
thing that felt so counterintuitive
(because I was obsessed with 'HOW')

It's the inner game. The blocks you
can't see are in your mind. It's your
mind that controls your income and
either attracts or repels the money
you want. Period.

It was the radical shifts in my mindset
and money story that created
a quantum leap in our business.

"Success Is 95% Mindset And Only 5% Strategy."
- Bob Proctor

Of course strategy is important, but 
since we’re the ones in the driver's seat 
- it's essential that we master our mind.

It’s the fastest way to create massive 
success in your business. Your mind
 is behind everything you do in your business.

And if you're always making decisions from a place of fear, lack, limitation and scarcity,
 how can you attract abundance? Everything starts with a 
thought in the mind. And
 attracting money is no different.

Discover the crucial money mindset shifts that will magnetise more income and success into your business. The same shifts that 
helped us go from failing to 7 figures! 

You're about to find out why you're stuck, what you can do to fix it and how to actually do it! Over the next 3 weeks I want to get you vibin' so freaking high that money is not going to be able to resist you. It will be hunting you down to join your party!

What We'll Cover in The 21 Day Challenge...

  • THREE CRITICAL AREAS that need urgent attention to allow the flow of abundance.
  • DISCOVER & remove the limiting beliefs that are blocking the money you want.
  • UPDATE your money story and say goodbye to lack, scarcity and limitation.  
  • ​​BECOME inspired and motivated to take the uncomfortable action that leads to BIG results.
  • SEE the abundance already around you and feel gratitude for everything you already have.  
  • STEP into the higher version of yourself to attract and manifest with more power and ease.

Want to know what our previous course members achieved? 

Here are some of the $$ outcomes! 💰

  • ​One of the members had a £101k DAY!!!  🤯 
  • ​Another manifested a beautiful dress for an awards ceremony
  • Another a free flight 
  • ​Someone else manifested £1939.93 and a free meal 
  • ​Another manifested a car being bought for her!
  • ​Another had a $10k day unexpectedly!
  • ​And another had £314 product sales she was surprised to make
  • ​And even though it took an extra week, another member hit her £21k goal

And their Non $$$ Transformations 

  • "Wow this is an incredible exercise - 2 referrals for clients in 24 hours! I needed to make space for incoming business."
  • "I am learning to reprogram my mind. This is truly amazing and I feel very different with a deeper sense of purpose to those around me whether friends or clients!"
  • "It’s changed my relationship with money! I am also now aware I have blocks regarding money but now I’m aware, I am not giving that fear power over me."
  • "Unbelievable task and video. I have released so much fear and money drama from childhood in the last 18 days. I am learning to control my emotions and allowing myself to believe."
  • "​​I've taken some risks, started new projects, given the cosmos multiple new ways to pour riches on me and I've learned that I have to rededicate my life to my vision day in, day out."
  • "​Unravelled my blocks and built new beliefs along the way."
  • ​"Helped me to not give up on myself again and made me realise once again how important this work is."
  • "​Shift to a positive relationship with money. Changing completely how I view my circumstance, and removing limiting beliefs."
  • ​"Totally changing career, resigning from the day job and getting a 20% pay rise in their new job."
  • ​"Taking first steps towards a new business venture they’d been considering."

Is it time to re-write your story, become an
energetic match to the ABUNDANCE you DESIRE AND actually let it in?  Are you ready to become a money magnet?

3 Recorded Weekly Video Lessons

Daily Recorded Videos / Tasks

Breakthrough Study Guide

Guided Visualisation for Abundance

Guided Money Affirmations Audio

Magic Cheque Print Out


Who is this challenge right for? Well, YOU… if 

  • You want to manifest £3k like Lisa, $21k like Jessica or £101k like Gabby!
  • ​You've tried everything you can think of to try and attract more money into the biz, except mindset :) 
  • ​You already have success in your business but want to hit that next income level 
  • ​The thought of money leaves you feeling anxious, fearful and lack 
  • ​You have money beliefs that you know are holding you back
  • ​You are constantly worrying about where the money is coming from
  • ​​You are fed up with watching money flow freely for others and not for you?
  • ​It feels like every time you make more money or get a surge of income, you get bills and unexpected expenses to match! leaving you no better off....
  • ​You're already doing the inner work and following the steps but Just. Can't. Seem. To. Make. It. Work

If any of this resonates, it's time to turn your money story around.
What you believe about money will be true for you. And will 
become a self fulfilling prophecy.  Your external world is simply a reflection of what is going on outside. 

You don't have to change what you're doing - you have to change who you're BEING! It's a shift in energy and consciousness. It all happens within your mind. You have to change how you think, feel and act on a daily basis.

So if you avoid looking at your bank balance, feel anxious every time you have to pay a bill, or get super stressed at the slightest unexpected expense - this is for you! 

OR.. if  you know you can easily make money BUT there seems to be an invisible limit to what you can earn - this is also for you. 

When you change how you think and feel about money, you change what is possible for you. 



3 Pre-Corded Weekly Videos: 

This challenge is broken into 3 phases. There is one phase for each week and at the start of each week, there will be a weekly lesson.


​Daily Pre-Recorded Videos / Tasks:

There will be daily videos / tasks, related to the week's topic. You will be doing something every day for 21 days - the tasks will be short but worthwhile!


Breakthrough Study Guide:

 A transformational workbook to help integrate your learning, increase your awareness and start reconditioning your mind. All of the tasks will be included here.


Guided Money Affirmations Audio:

Fill your mind with wealth and abundance throughout your day. Become an energetic match to money while you're listening and doing the dishes, going for a walk or relaxing with a cuppa!! 


Guided Visualisation for Abundance:

Connect to abundance at the start of your day, to raise your vibration to the energy of money. What you focus on expands, so carry this feeling and awareness throughout your day. Every day. 


​​Magic Cheque Print Out:

Use the magic cheque template to manifest your money goals. This is how Jim Carey manifested his $10m deal with Dumb and Dumber. Use these every month to manifest your income goals


Phase One : 

 Your relationship with money will determine how much of it comes into your life. What you think of it, how you feel about it and what you believe about it. This initial phase is all about healing your money story; identifying your current relationship and improving it to create a new relationship that will increase the flow of money into your life. This is the critical first step in allowing more abundance into your life. 

Phase Two : 

To stop blocking or repelling money, you must shift your thoughts, feelings and energy FROM worry, fear, lack, doubt and scarcity TO abundance, prosperity and gratitude. This week combines focused attention with becoming an energetic match to money. Your emotions around money are powerful - we want to make sure they're aligned! Get ready to raise your vibe to the frequency of money and abundance. 

Phase Three :

Once you’ve healed your relationship with money and become a vibrational match to it - you’ve got to make sure you actually open the door! AKA be open to receive. You also need to move into action. Tapping in to your intuition to ‘receive’ inspiration and then taking inspired action every day towards your goal.

Why you can no longer afford to 
ignore your money mindest

  • ​Your level of awareness and consciousness when it comes to money is the exact match for what you’re bringing in now. If you want to accelerate your income and sales, your level of mind needs to be a match!
  • If you're not working on your money mindset and changing your beliefs, stories and relationship with money, you are literally saying 'NO' to money.
  • ​It’s projected there's 1700 millionaires being made every single day in the U.S!!  The biggest difference between them and struggling entrepreneurs is their mindset. Shift your mindset and become one of them! 
  • ​If you continue to focus on pushing harder, working more and strategy, without addressing your mindset, your results won’t change. You will get more of the same. Which in my experience, led to frustration, disappointment and burn out. 
  • ​​When you change how you see money, you change how much of it you experience.

Daily Videos / Tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value £800)
3 Live Weekly Videos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value £875)
Q&A Session. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Value £197)
Facebook Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value £297)
Breakthrough Study Guides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value £497)
Guided Audio Bundle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value £297)
Magic Cheque Print Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value £7)

Daily Videos / Tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value £800)

3 Live Weekly Videos . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value £875)

Q&A Session. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Value £197)

Facebook Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value £297)

Breakthrough Study Guides. . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value £497)

Guided Audio Bundle. . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value £297)

Magic Cheque Print Out  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value £7)

Immerse yourself with abundance, transform your money mindset and embark on a 21 day adventure to manifest more money into your life in the next 3 weeks. 

TOTAL VALUE = £2,970

Today's Price = £397



Immerse yourself with abundance, transform your money mindset and embark on a 21 day adventure to manifest more money into your life in the next 3 weeks. 

 The information, tools and practices in this programme aren't just for 21 days, they are for life!


A word of warning. I'm NOT promising that you will become a Millionaire in the next 3 weeks. This is not a get rich quick thing. What I AM promising, is that I will challenge your thinking about money. I'll show you the areas you need to work on to become a match for money and attract more of it in. And we'll do a lot of this over the next 3 weeks. 

How much money you attract in the next 21 days will come down to where you are currently set. What your current level of consciousness and awareness is around money. And how much programming you need to break through to open yourself up for money. 

It's different for everyone and everyone in the challenge will be at different levels. But you need to start somewhere and since the best day to start was yesterday - you'd better start today! 

As you let go of old beliefs and paradigms you will let go of resistance and become magnetic. But this is just the start. The tools I'll be sharing with you - you can use for life. And If you want to switch your money story for good - I recommend you do so! 

It's time to call in your super power! 


I'm so grateful I completed Kirsty's 21 day I am a money magnet challenge! I set a goal of allowing an additional $21k CAD into my life and I manifested an unexpected $1700 the weekend before we even started because of the pre-challenge assignments.

By the second week, I had manifested $17,826 and one week after the challenge ended I reached $20,651! I was just shy of hitting the $21k mark but just this week I manifested an additional $500 so that puts me over $21k in 30 days instead of the 21!

 Kirsty goes above and beyond to explain the processes involved in manifestation. She speaks so well about the law of attraction and gets you to uncover your current money situation and beliefs about money! All of her teachings and assignments 100% helped me to manifest this unexpected money!

- Jessica W.

This programme was so much more than magnetising money. Not only did it teach me the importance of my inner subconscious attitude towards money but it helped me to delve deep into my attitude towards myself and how my subconscious beliefs have impacted my approach and behaviour towards all areas of my life.

I manifested the sum of £3K to come to me with ease and flow. I also brought in a large amount of business often when the odds were stacked against me.

I would highly recommend this programme. Kirsty really knows her stuff. It is ingrained in her being with so much passion and belief and she has an amazing way of articulating her craft. She has been through the journey herself and is therefore able to empathise but also share her mistakes that have led her to where she is today. 

- Lisa F.

This course came into my life when I needed it most...funny that! I had lost my natural flow of abundance and needed to know what I was doing differently to make my work dry up. Kirsty's course answered my question and gave me a better understanding of the law of attraction which I will carry with me from now on.

Throughout the course which was both fun and soul searching, things became clearer and every lesson could be applied to my situation as well as other aspects of my life.
Yes, this course bought me money, but more importantly it delivered insight into myself and a guide for the future.

I am still practising Kirsty's teachings and keeping the faith which isn't always easy, but it's working because the universe has just answered with several dream job opportunities.

- Amanda W.

Did I manifest any money? OMG Yes! But it didn't just come in the way I expected, it kept showing up everywhere! From two money wins (one a jackpot,) that just happened when I started chanting "I win every competition I enter" just because I felt like playing with the universe, to vouchers, reduced bills, money back from the government... I even won an appeal that made me over £2000 better off. 

I also want to say a huge thank you to Kirsty for giving me the gift of enoughness. Through understanding this during the mindset work, I have also invited in to my life, more romantic attention, an opportunity to write for an international magazine that will get my work in front of over 100,000 women worldwide, who are my ideal soul-mate clients.

I walked into this training knowing how powerful the the law of attraction was, but I finished it knowing how powerful I am. I'd encourage anybody and everybody to dive into "I Am A Money Magnet" fully and without reservation. It is going to change your life... your expanding bank balance is just the bonus tip of the iceberg.

- Jo J.

I Am a Money Magnet is a phenomenal course which will surely enrich your life! I had several small wins and one quite substantial unexpected win of £1,500. 

 I developed a clearer understanding of how it is myself that I need to work on first and foremost. Shifting my inner beliefs of who I am and my self-image; Kirsty provided tools and strategies to over come those limiting beliefs, and guided and encouraged me to step into the person inside who is ready and worthy to receive the life I desire. 

The I Am a Money Magnet programme contains truly inspirational content, delivered by Kirsty, who is a warm and authentic coach who shares her knowledge and understanding from her heart, with a genuine desire to help people succeed.

-Kara N.

Meet Kirsty Kamarauskas - 7 Figure Digital CEO, Personal Development & Law Of Attraction Expert, Certified & Accredited Mindset Coach and NLP Practitioner.

Hi, I'm Kirsty

I'm so excited to welcome you into this incredible 21 day challenge, which has already got such fantastic results for so many students. I'm on a mission to help entrepreneurs just like you, realise their own potential, master their mind and step into their power. So they can accelerate their success and up-level their business, income and life. 

I’ve watched so many entrepreneurs trying really hard to grow their businesses.

Working all hours, buying all the courses and trying endless strategies and tactics to get the results that they want.

But they’re not seeing the sales and success they want & instead are left feeling stuck, burned out, frustrated & overwhelmed.

And I get it. Because that was me!

Until I discovered the ONE THING that really dictates whether someone is a success or not. And this applies to all the gurus teaching facebook ads, sales funnels and course launches. 

Your Mind. 

We weren't taught about the power of our mind at school. And we certainly weren't told that we could reprogram it with whatever we want. We didn’t learn how to master our minds and how to use them to manifest successful, happy & abundant lives. 

That's what this challenge is for. 

To open your eyes up to a new way of thinking. 

A new way of being. 

I'm going to share with you the key money mindset shifts that I made to turn the annual sales revenue of my e-Commerce business from £500k to £1m in just over 12 months. 

I have invested heavily in myself this year and have been mentored by two World leaders in the field of personal development, human potential and manifestation. Bob Proctor you may have seen on The Secret, has been studying and teach this material for 60 years! Kathleen Cameron, his no. 1 coach, has made a whopping $11.5M in the first 19 months of her manifestation coaching business.

I have learned from the best and combine this wealth of wisdom with my own first hand experience of hitting 7 figures through a massive shift in mindset. 

The "I Am A Money Magnet" challenge is a self study 21 day programme. 
You will have access to it as soon as you complete payment.
I can't wait to share the powerful money mindset practices that 
helped me jump from 6 to 7 figures in just over a year.

Daily Videos / Tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value £800)

3 Live Weekly Videos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value £875)

Q&A Session. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Value £197)

Facebook Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value £297)

Breakthrough Study Guides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value £497)

Guided Audio Bundle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value £297)

Magic Cheque Print Out .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value £7)

Immerse yourself with abundance, transform your money mindset and embark on a 21 day adventure to manifest more money into your life in the next 3 weeks. 

TOTAL VALUE = £2,970

Today's Price = £397


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