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For Female Entrepreneurs & High Achievers Ready To Breakthrough To Their Next Level Of Success. £111 FREE

Unlock your Inner Power, Active your hidden potential and create Unstoppable Success 

Live Training: Starts 18th, 19th, 20th October 2023  (2PM BST / 9AM EST)

Get ready to Awaken your Inner Badass and become the woman you were born to be 


Most of us get stuck on the action piece when it comes to creating success or manifesting what we want. We fall into the trap of trying harder, taking massive action and get completely stuck on HOW

But this is just treating symptoms. 

All the while missing the most important piece and the part that will actually collapse time and help us attract our dream business and goals FASTER - focusing on the WHO.  The ROOT CAUSE of all our results. 

I know there's more inside you ready to come out. You know it too. You feel it. But you're just not sure how to unlock it. 


  • How to work on the root cause of your results, so you can ​​bend time and create a new reality. 
  • ​The 5 biggest blindspots keeping most entrepreneurs from reaching their full potential. So you can AVOID them!
  • How to banish doubt, ditch the inner imposter and create unshakeable confidence. So you can show up as the badass CEO you know you really are. 
  • ​How to transform the two invisible forcefields holding you back and crippling your growth, into your secret weapons for success. 
  • The crucial inner shifts I had to make, to take my business from failing to hitting a £1m sales year. 
  • A powerful 3 step process  to elevate beyond your current reality, hit any goal and manifest any outcome!

"You are so empowering
and I really enjoy the work you do.You have helped me grow in so many ways."

"Hi Kirsty, loved the breakthrough program. found it super helpful and empowering. The content was great and the perfect amount. I particularly loved the worksheets
as the were great for reflection and putting things into perspective. I particularly, enjoyed the 7 hidden blocks (mindset shifts) and the 7 pillars. You are so empowering and I really enjoy the work you do. You have helped me grow
 in so many ways."


"Kirsty has a way of delivering mindset and manifestation info
that speaks directly to me."

Kirsty has a way of delivering
mindset and manifestation info
that speaks directly to me. During
the challenge, I realized that until I take control of
my thoughts and actually do the
work to reprogram my
subconscious, then I will continue
to fall short of my goals. I am a
successful businesswoman and
my life is wonderful...but I had to
ask myself "how much more
wonderful could this be if I actually
dove in, and did the work?" I
cannot wait to find out! Thank you


"I was able to
literally have multiple 'breakthroughs' on the program composition."

" I joined the Breakthrough program because I've been floundering with an idea that I just haven't been able to push through my blocks on and figured why the heck not. My challenge was that I saw the entire project as a whole (completed and out in the world) and the thought of all the work freaked me out because I couldn't comprehend how to get it all done. Kirsty and Breakthrough helped me to do some amazing mindset shifts and because of that, my
severe anxiety went away and I was able toliterally have multiple 'breakthroughs' 
on the program composition. It is absolutely unbelievable just how much I was able toaccomplish in such a short amount of time. The guidance provided was so beneficial. Try it, you won't be disappointed!!


UPGRADE TO VIP (Crazy Offer! Worth £597 just £27 today!)

For just £27 you can upgrade to VIP where you'll get: 3 hours of group coaching (one hour after each training session), transformational break-through study guides to ensure you integrate what you learn (don't just 'add more knowledge' to your already overworked mind). AND transformational guided visualisation & affirmations audios that will help you start to reprogram your mind for success, while you sit back and relax! 
3x 60 Minute Group Coaching Sessions - Value £300 
x3 Breakthrough Study Guides £197
3x Powerful Meditations for Success - Value £97
Total Value £597. Today’s investment only £27
There’s another version of you. In fact there’s infinite versions of you that exist right now. And one of these is already living the life of your dreams. 

The wealthiest, happiest, healthiest and most abundant version of you. Imagine merging timelines and becoming this version right now…

So you can can become magnetic to everything you desire and start living the life you always dreamed of. 

What would it mean, to be able to consciously create the life of your dreams AND enjoy the journey? 

It’s time to unlock that innate power that already resides deep within you.  

And I'm going to share how, in this EPIC new 3 day programme, NOT to be missed :) 
Save yourself £111 and grab a spot for this programme while it's free! 



This 3 day programme is for female entrepreneurs & high achievers that KNOW they are made for more. But right now feel stuck in their business or life circumstances. And not quite able to close the gap between where they are and where they deeply want to be. 

This is right for you if 2 or more of these resonate....
  • You're a purpose driven, ambitious female entrepreneur who is ready to have it all! 
  • You have big goals and dreams but they still feel out of reach 
  • ​You’ve reached a plateau in your business / career and can’t break through 
  • ​You know you have a purpose and want to create more impact through your business
  • ​You find yourself trying harder & working harder to achieve your goals, but never quite get there
  • ​You’re often overcome with self-doubt, comparisonitus and imposter syndrome
  • You’re losing faith that your vision board will materialise this year 
  • ​You know it should be easier, because you see others doing it. But you don't know what you're missing. 
  • ​You're starting to doubt whether the life you’re dreaming of was ever meant for you. 
  • ​You often feel you're getting in your own way but can't seem to shift it. E.g. procrastination, overwhelm, self sabotage
  • ​You know you have mind blocks when it comes to creating more success and making more money, but you don't know how to move past it 
  • You don't want to spend the rest of the year, going round in circles, knowing something needs to change but not being able to figure out what 

It's completely FREE (for now) And I can't wait to share the powerful shifts 
that have had a profound impact on my own business and life. 

When you sign up for this challenge you will get:

  • 3 Day Live Trainings Starting Wednesday 18th October at 14:00 BST / 09:00 EST. Replays also available for a short time
  • Workbook / Daily Homework - to integrate what you learn and create a breakthrough throughout this event (Available when event starts) 
  • Guided Meditation: A bespoke guided meditation / visualisation created just for this event. To help you activate your hidden potential (available when event starts) 
I’m Kirsty Kamarauskas 
I'm so excited to welcome you to LEVEL-UP! A brand new 3 Day programme, available for FREE right now - but then £111. 

I'm on a mission to help female entrepreneurs and high achievers just like you, realise your own innate power, unlock your infinite potential and up-level into the badass you were born to be.

I’ve watched so many entrepreneurs trying really hard to grow their businesses. Working all hours, buying all the courses and trying endless strategies and tactics to get the results that they want.

But they’re not seeing the sales and success they want & instead are left feeling stuck, burned out, frustrated & overwhelmed.

And I get it. Because that was me!

Until I discovered the ONE THING that really dictates whether someone is a success or not. And this applies to all the gurus teaching facebook ads, sales funnels and course launches.

And that's exactly what I'll be sharing in this event. The key shifts that took my business from failing to 7 figures in just over 12 months. Let's go!
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